icrf israel grant program

ICRF’s global mission is to support the best cancer-related research conducted by Israeli scientists in Israel. To date, ICRF has awarded more than $98 million USD in funding to support over 2,885 grants to outstanding cancer researchers at all leading institutions in Israel as well as collaborative research partnerships between Israeli and North American investigators. 


ICRF’S ONLINE APPLICATION SYSTEM IS NOW CLOSED FOR THE 2025-2026 FUNDING YEAR. To view, save, or print the most recent General Policies Governing ICRF Grants, Click Here.




Professorship Grant

US$550,000 over a period of five years

Awarded to full-time senior faculty or persons in equivalent positions who have made outstanding contributions to cancer research.


Project Grants

US$198,000 over a period of three years

Awarded to support the research of an established investigator working on a specific project.


Clinical Research Career Development Awards (CRCDAs)

US$148,500 over a period of three years

Awarded to promising researchers or young medical or pediatric oncologists to afford them the time to conduct clinical research projects and to obtain additional training to become leaders in clinical research programs.

Research Career Development Awards (RCDAs)

US$148,500 over a period of three years

Awarded to promising researchers in the filed of cancer who have advanced beyond the postdoctoral level and are well on their way to becoming outstanding independent investigators.


Postdoctoral Fellowships

US$99,000 over a period of three years

Awarded to new M.D.’s and Ph. D.’s who will apprentice in the laboratories of senior investigators.


Acceleration Grants

US$154,000 over a period of two years

Intended to speed up our efforts to fully understand the biology behind cancer, grant applications in this category are required to propose highly-innovative approaches that have the promise of pioneering new ways of thinking about cancer biology and therapeutics.


Collaborative Funding Awards

US$495,000 over a period of three years

Awarded to the most promising cancer research projects being conducted on a collaborative basis between an American or Canadian research institution and investigators in Israel.


Special Funding Initiatives

A minimum of US$550,000 over three years

Awarded to the most promising cancer research projects being conducted in a specific cancer or type of cancer research, as determined by the donor(s) and approved by the ICRF International Scientific Council. A special request for proposals will be issued, and a specialized scientific review panel (or SSRP) will be convened to review these particular grant applications.


Donors who sponsor an award at any of the above levels may name that award in honour or in memory of whomever they wish to designate.  Award sponsors receive letters from their ICRF scientists describing their work, and may visit their scientists’ labs in Israel by prior arrangement.

International Collaboration Grants

ICRF’s international collaboration grants are intended to promote international partnerships for outstanding cancer research in Israel with a collaborator institution/investigator in North America (Canada or the United States).


ICRF-City of Hope Jacki & Bruce Barron Cancer Research Scholars’ Program

A Partnership Between ICRF and City of Hope, generously supported by The Harvey L. Miller Family Foundation
($300,000 over a 1-year period to a team of co-investigators based in the US and Israel)
Awarded to foster outstanding collaborative research and promote the exchange of ideas between exceptional researchers in the US and Israel. The overarching goal of this program is to advance our understanding of cancer and develop life-saving therapies, novel diagnostic approaches and/or prevention strategies by leveraging the knowledge and expertise of scientists in the two countries. The two interrelated components of the program are: 1) collaborative grants to scientists at City of Hope and in Israel that would meet the highest standards of peer-reviewed research; 2) an annual symposium that will bring researchers from the US and Israel together to share research discoveries.


The Max Ritvo, Alan Slifka & Desiree Dato Fund for Fusion-Oncoprotein Cancers and Metastasis

A Partnership Between ICRF, the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation and the Alan B. Slifka Foundation
($250,000 over a 2-year period to a team of co-investigators based in the US and Israel)
Awarded to support collaborative science conducted by co-investigators in the US and Israel with a focus on (1) Cancers driven by fusion oncoproteins with Ewing sarcoma as the prototype; or (2) The roles of epigenetic dysfunction or tumor microenvironment in the development of metastatic cancer.


ICRF-Conquer Cancer (The ASCO Foundation) Career Development Award

A Partnership Between ICRF and Conquer Cancer (The ASCO Foundation)
($200,000 over a 3-year period)
Awarded to Israeli clinical investigators who have received their initial faculty appointment to establish an independent clinical cancer research program. This research must have a patient-oriented focus, including a clinical research study and/or translational research involving human subjects.


Gesher Award for Academic Excellence in the Field of Cancer Research

A Partnership Between ICRF and the Israel Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
(Maximum of NIS 300,000 over a 3-year period)
Awarded to outstanding Israeli cancer scientists living abroad who wish to return to Israel to develop an independent research program.